
About Us


CK McClatchy Law & Public Policy Academy is a 4 year, college preparatory academy in which students will take a journey that will introduce them to the vast landscape of the law and public policy.  Each successive year, student will delve deeper into the legal profession, career opportunities, the substantives areas and history of law, as well as public policy issues and their possible solutions.

History of the Program


CKM’s Law & Public Policy Academy (LPPA) is one of the original 8 statewide law academies created under the California Partnership Academy program.  The California State Bar and the Department of Education requested and were tasked with creating a high school law program(s) designed to introduce high school students to law, government and public policy and to provide a practical and academic course of studies designed to promote students in the the legal field through a series of pathways from high school to college (community & 4-year) and on to law school thereby expanding and diversifying the legal community.